When I first moved to Canberra, almost as an accidental
intersection of geography and employment after the Sydney Olympics, I used to
say “if you had lived in Sydney and one day you woke up and discovered you were
in Canberra, you would think you had died.” Then I changed my mind. It took ten
years but it was inevitable. Berrans are a hardy bunch – they can withstand the
hot winds of summer and of Australia’s Parliament, the chill flurries from the
Snowy Mountains and the chilling news of budget cuts. The Berra is half-way
between everywhere.
When I first moved to Canberra, almost as an accidental intersection of geography and employment after the Sydney Olympics, I used to say ‘if you had lived in Sydney and one day you woke up and discovered you were in Canberra, you would think you had died’.
Canberra in the rain from Black Mountain |
Then I changed my mind. It took ten years but it was inevitable.