I write about culture and creativity, because these are important, because they interest me and because I’ve worked in the area all my life. Creativity and culture are important, but they don’t exist in a vacuum, so, as 2024 crawls into 2025, I find myself hitting the hard stuff, as far as ideas go. While it’s sobering reading, I expect to emerge blinking into the light of the New Year with a much clearer grasp of where the world is going in 2025 and beyond – the bigger picture of the big picture.
I write about culture and creativity, because these are important, because they interest me and because I’ve worked in the area all my life. I’ve been publishing articles about this on my blog,
indefinite article, for the last 15 years but increasingly I am writing less about the specifics of arts and culture and more about the bigger picture – the bigger picture of the big picture.
Shuttered public facility, Greymouth, New Zealand, 2023